The HardiggStorm Case IM2600 is one of the safest ways to store your camera equipment.

Hardigg is based in USA and has over 50 years experience in building the toughest, most rugged and reliable hardcases aiming to fulfill the task of storing gear safely for military, scientists, engineers, dentists, law enforcement and photographers – The list goes on.

Hardigg offers a huge number of sizes and the IM2600 is aimed at photographers and others with more sensitive equipment. The army uses different cases and so with the industrial aimed cases.

The Hardigg Storm Case IM2600 comes in this configuration with multilayer cubed foam that allows you to choose the exact setup needed for the absolute best safety. The cubes comes in three layers and are therefore highly customizable. The foam is not standard configuration and most photographers would probably choose padded dividers because of their good protection and easy to adjust ability. They do not offer the same security as the foam and are similar to the ones found in most camera bags.

Hardigg Storm Case IM2600 thrive in any environment.

One of the special features which is standard in every single Storm Case is the manual purge valve which prevents moist and mildew in damp areas and other situations. A very useful feature especially during winter but also during moist summer days or in rain.

The Hardigg Storm Case IM2600 is also completely watertight with a wide seal installed in the hefty lid. That ensures your gear completely dry in every situation. If you loose it down stream? – Not a problem for the Storm Case.
Another obvious plus are the no-nonsense hefty and wide locks that requires a press with your thumb and a pull outwards in order to be opened. Much better and safer than the competitor. The locks follow the design of the case and does not protrude from the case.
The heavy duty handle folds with a firm press close to the case itself and with the opposite manouve allow the user to carry it anywhere. Hardigg offers wheels for some models but not for the IM2600.

The hinges of the case that allows the lid to open are also of the same heavy duty type as the locks and handle. Wide and reinforced they can take a huge amount of stress before ever breaking. – Again much like rest of the Hardigg Storm Case IM2600 the quality is very high.

The case is made out of HPX high performance resin plastic. Note the curved edge acting as buffer for rest of the case.

As mentioned earlier there a lot of accessories for the case besides the customizable foam. Some might choose to have hinges inside of the lid that allows the lid to stay open in whatever position you might like. Unlike without where the heavy lid closes with a certain appeal. You know its quality when it gives you the same sound as you have when closing the door on a expensive car.
Hardigg offers a variety of colors for what might fit your domain.
The surface of the Hardigg Storm Case IM2600 is quite smooth but scratches easily. Ofcause the scratches are only in the top surface coating and has nothing to do with reliability but some might have this as a negative mark. But since its a case made for rough and or extreme situations it doesn´t really mater.

Once you have one you´ll probably want another one – The IM2720 on in the bottom is larger and with wheels

The Hardigg Storm Case IM2600 can contain quite a lot of gear. This IM2600 contains a Sigma 500mm prime, the 100-400 Canon, a wide angle lens, battery charger, various cables and a pro-sized body and there´s still room for even more gear or gadgets.

Without a doubt the Hardigg Storm Case IM2600 is a great and sturdy product. Its extremely tough and practically unbreakable and in the foam configuration delivers arguably the best gear protection anyone could ever hope for.
A sure safe buy – The only minus is that you´ll probably want another one.


Nature lover turned 36, Avid Nature Photographer and fan of all things living. Every second spend outside with or without a camera is a second for me to grow and learn. Got question, requisitions or just in for a chat shot me an E-mail or connect me on Facebook or Twitter

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